
Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Organizations whether incorporated or not, whether with profit motive or not are required to comply with laws of the land as they also observe an ethical and moral code of conduct in the interests of accountability, sustainability and transparency. Good corporate governance can only be achieved by timely legal compliances through internal audits by a team of professionals either within the organization or by retaining experts from outside.Periodic check of legal compliances through an online MIS reporting mechanism specially in complex Indian legal system not only can protect the Organizations from severe penalties and prosecutions but also safeguard the interest of stake holders viz.Promoters, JV Partners, Employees, Lendors,Retail Investors, Suppliers and General public at large.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Copyrights -Recent amendments (India)- significant impact on artists and producers.

The Copy rights Act was recently amended and there were certain significant changes which affect artists and producers. To put it simply, the Copyright Act (Amendment) Bill, 2012 now entitles artistes lifelong royalty. The Bill declares authors owners of the copyright, which cannot be assigned to producers, as was the practice till now. It also bans persons from bringing out cover versions of any literary, dramatic or musical work for five years from the first recording of the original creation. Contact us if you want to know more or want to get your copyrights registered with the right authorities. Our team is expert in copyright management and registrations.
(Contact us on +91-9911342887)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Copyright registration (A must for all artists and creative people)

Did you know that you need to have a formal copyright for your creating work. Be it a poem you have written, a song you composed, a music piece, a sound recording, a cinematography film or any other artistic work. In today's world, an artist can monetize his work only if holds proper rights. Contact us if you want to know more or want to get your copyrights registered with the right authorities. 
(Contact us on +91-9911342887)