
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Super Blue Blood Moon: Timings, locations and other details about the lunar eclipse A supermoon and lunar eclipse will happen together tomorrow, which means the Moon will appear larger than usual and reddish in colour. It also happens to be a blue moon

Moneycontrol News@moneycontrolcom
On Wednesday night, people across the world will be able to see a rare phenomenon - a supermoon, blue moon and a lunar eclipse all at once.
NASA has termed the event a "Super Blue Blood Moon", calling it a lunar trifecta.
The lunar eclipse will create a "blood moon" because the Moon will get a reddish tint when it is in the Earth's shadow.In Asia, the last time a lunar eclipse and a blue moon occurred at the same time was on December 30, 1982, according to a report by The Hindu.The Moon on Wednesday will be a blue moon because it will the second full moon this month.
The phrase "blue moon" is not a technical term and does not refer to the colour of the Moon.
In Asia, the Super Blue Blood Moon can be viewed at moonrise, according to NASA's website.
In India, this rare celestial phenomenon will first be visible in the North-East between 4:21 PM IST and 5:18 PM IST, according to a report by The Indian Express.
People from Rajasthan and other parts of Western India can see it between 6:21 PM IST and 7:37 PM IST, while the rest of India should be able to view it between 5:18 PM IST and 6:21 PM IST.
What is a supermoon? 
A supermoon occurs when either a full moon or a new moon coincides with the Moon being at the point in its orbit closest to the Earth.The technical name for this phenomenon is perigee syzygy, or simply, new or full moon at perigee.
NASA said that on Wednesday, the Moon's brightness will be 14 percent higher than usual.
What is a "blood moon"? 
The total lunar eclipse will cause the Moon to get a dark reddish tint due to the way the Earth's atmosphere scatters light.Though the Moon will be in the Earth's shadow during the eclipse, it will reflect the small amount of light from the Sun.

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