According to Sun Tzun's Art of War book “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting”. Russians defeated Nepolean by burning their own towns and farms. British defeated Nawab of Bengal at battle of Plassey by treachery. Americans defeated Soviet Union by Arms, technological and space race.
We can finish the problem of Pakistan by dividing Pakistan into multiple Independent countries without engaging directly with Pakistan.
It seems imaginary, unbelievable, impossible to someone then let me remind you that Soviet Union broke down without directly engaging with United States

15 new countries emerged out of Soviet Union country. Cold war ended without firing nuclear missile or WW3. America became sole superpower of the world. Can India break Pakistan like US broke Soviet Union? Yes, we can and we are working on it.
- The best possible way to destroy Pakistan is to destroy them economically. One of the major role behind breakdown of Soviet Union was Arms race with United States. Soviet Union couldn't afford Arms race with United states and eventually crumbled. Soviet Union destroyed their economy to match military might of United states. The same can be done with Pakistan. As you can see below chart, India always spent less money on military as % GDP as compared to Pakistan. Also the gap between military budget of India and Pakistan is widening day by day .Pakistan spends 3.7% of GDP on military whereas India spends 2.5 % of GDP on military. India spends around 16% government budget on military whereas Pakistan spends 27% government budget on military.
- In the recent budget given by the Government of Pakistan for year 2018–2019Defense budget : 1100 billions (substantial 18% increase. This allocation doesn’t include military pension bills, spending on major weapons procurement).Debt servicing : 1620 billionsEducation budget : 57 billionsHealth budget : 17 billions
- As you can see how Pakistan pours money on military neglecting Education, Health, etc. Despite all this effort by Pakistan, Pakistan is nowhere close to India in terms of military spending. India ranks 5 th in the world by military expenditure with 64 bn whereas Pakistan is not even in top 20 nations by military expenditure. Pakistan ranks 22nd and before that ranked 28th in military expenditure with 10bn. Fun fact is countries like north Korea spends more on military than Pakistan.
- India is worlds fastest growing major economy with 7- 8% growth rate whereas Pakistan is growing at 4- 5% annually. If India continued to grow like this, India would spend 20 times military budget as compared to Pakistan in 2040. India adds 1 Pakistani ( 310bn) economy every year. Pakistan is managing somehow with India's military expenditure right now but it would be unmanageable if India started spending 20 times money on military than Pakistan. India would consider Pakistan nothing but Nepal,Bhutan if India continued it's growth steady. India would spend 20 times more money on military as compared to Pakistan in 2040. Pakistan will crumble if they tried to match military expenditure of India.
- Economy of Pakistan is on red alarm. Pakistans foreign reverses of $ 10 bn are depleting very fast and Pakistan cannot sustain economically for more than 2 months. In contrast India has $ 400 bn of healthy foreign reserves. Value of Pakistani rupee is at lowest. Trade deficiency is increasing at an alarming rate. Debt problem is also high. If CPEC failed, Pakistan would become Venezuela or worst. Imran Khan's worst nightmare will be Pakistan's crumbling economy India can destroy Pakistan just by maintaining steady growth.
After economy , India can destroy Pakistan politically. Like Russians ( 51% population of USSR) ruled USSR, Punjabis ( 48% population of Pakistan) are ruling modern day Pakistan.
- Punjabis form majority in military and government of Pakistan. Most of the farmlands & industry of Pakistan is in Punjab. Pakistan is nothing but ‘ Punjabistan' . Baloch( 4% population of Pakistan shown in Pink) have strong anti Punjabi or anti Pakistan sentiments. Punjab uses mineral & natural resources of Baluchistan but in return brutally suppress Baloch people. Sindh(15% population of Pak shown in yellow) has anti Punjab sentiment as Punjab holds water of Indus river basin affecting agriculture of sindh and constantly causing drought. Pashtuns( 15% population of Pak shown in green are culturally more closer to Afghans than Punjabis. Also Khyber Pakhtunkha has around 2 million ethenic Afghans as refugees in Pakistan. They don't consider themselves as Pakistani but Afghani. In fact Afghanistan considers Pashtun speaking area as their own part. Also there is growing anger in POK as Pakistan changed demography of Kashmir by resettling ethenic Punjabis, destroying their culture. Also Pakistan not developed POK as compared to Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. There is great anger against Punjabis by others in Pakistan. Look at some separatist movements in Pakistan.
Azad Baluchistan
Azad Sindhudesh
Azad Pakhtunistan
Azad POK .
Their demand can be explained. I have proofs that how Punkabis in the name Pakistan just developed Punjab and neglected other provinces.
As you can see above Pakistan is nothing but ‘ Punjabistan' ruled by Punjabis in the benefits of Punjab. We must support separatist movements within Pakistan through RAW.
Source Quora
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