I’ve decided to share some of the most interesting and fun facts, you probably didn’t know about Ukraine. You may be surprised at what you learn. Make sure you leave in comments which facts you did know, and which you had no clue about. You can also leave a comment if you think something interesting about Ukraine should be included.
Here are 20 plus fun and interesting facts you may want to know about Ukraine.
- It is large!Stretching from Russia in the east to Poland in the west, Ukraine is the second largest county in Europe at 603,500 square kilometres, after France. And, of course, not including Russia.
- Home to one of the most beautiful languageUkrainian ranked 3rd after French and Persian for having the most beautiful language in the world at a global linguistic contest held in Paris in 1934.
- Ukraine is OLDPeople have lived in the territory of Ukraine for more than 44,000 years.
- Home to 7 UNESCO World Heritage SitesUkraine has 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including Saint-Sophia Cathedral and Related Monastic Buildings in Kiev, the ancient city of Chersonesus, and the primeval beech forests of the Carpathians.
- Wedding rings are worn on the right handIn line with Christian Orthodox beliefs, in Ukraine, wedding rings are always worn on the right hand.
- It likes a drinkAccording to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Ukraine ranks 6th for alcohol consumption – guzzling 13.9 litres of booze per capita per year.
- Ukraine is ranked #3 for the most beautiful womenAccording to the Traveller’s Digest, Ukraine has been voted No. 3 for having the most beautiful women. A quick walk through the city quickly confirms this fact.
- It’s not just vodkaUkrainians do not drink just vodka, as one might assume. The national drink is called horilka, while vodka means “little water”, horilka means “burning water.”
- It’s “Ukraine” not “The Ukraine”In 1993 the Ukranian government requested that the country be called just Ukraine.
- It is the geographical center of EuropeThe geographical center of Europe runs through the village of Dilove in the Carpathians (western Ukraine).
- ChernobylChernobyl, the site of the world’s worst nuclear power plant disaster.
- It built the world’s biggest planeDesigned by the Antonov Design Bureau, Ukraine is home to the biggest plane in the world, the Antonov An-225 Mriya (Cossack).Powered by 6 turbofan engines, it has the largest wingspan of any aircraft, at 88.4 metres and weighs 640,000kg. Only one was ever made.
- And, Ukraine has a huge militaryUkraine has the 2nd largest military in Europe behind Russia and 12th largest military in the world.
- Its capital Kiev was given Hero City status by the Soviet UnionKiev was awarded the title Hero City in 1965 – following its resistance to the Nazis in the Battle of Kiev in 1941.
- Most Ukrainians have never been abroadNearly 88 per cent of all Ukrainians have never travelled to another country and as high as 36 per cent have never travelled beyond their local region according a Research & Branding Survey.
- The quality of Ukrainian higher education is highUkraine ranks 4th highest in percentage of citizens with a higher education, and in the top 40 smartest countries based on math and science scores, according to Business Insider. Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design was ranked 75th best fashion schools in the world for 2017.Interesting fact; Ukraine also has the 5th largest number of IT professionals in the world.
- It’s largely Orthodox ChristianThe dominant religion in the country is Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
- Its currency is the hryvnia, or grivna.Ukraine has used this currency since 2 September 1996. One hryvnia is subdivided into 100 kopiykas. The grivna was the currency of Kievan Rus, back in the 11th century.
- Ukraine has a national soup.Borscht is the national soup for Ukraine – popular among many Eastern and Central European countries.
- Arsenalna (Kiev Metro’s Sviatoshynsko-Brovarska Line) is currently the deepest station in the world (105.5 metres).
- Kiev or Kyiv?You will often see the capital city of Kyiv spelt two different ways; Kyiv or Kiev. Ukrainians consider the use of “Kyiv” to be the correct transliteration from the Ukrainian language.
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