Replied thru Quora by :-

Jaanis Kruumins
Did you mean love hotels?
Love hotels have two check-in schemes - "rest" and "stay". "Rest" is a stay for two-three hours and paying hourly, you are free to enter and exit anytime. "Stay" is switched on after you are inside for some period of time and it allows you to stay for 7 hours or so, for a fixed price. When you go out, you automatically check out, most of the time. Payment is usually done via an ingenious air tube system where you put your money and it flies to the cashier or on the desk, where you can't see the cashier too. So, you can't arrive with your bags to the love hotel, check in for 2-3 days and live there.
There's also no buffet, no restaurant, no any public facility, actually, because love hotels are all about privacy and customers are not supposed to meet each other, although it happens sometimes. It is possible to order some food and it will be delivered to the room. I have never tried it and can't tell how it works in details. Some hotels offer free ice cream and even free wine to those who come more than once. Those are dispensed without anyone present and you are supposed to take your portion yourself.
There are almost always two entrances, each taking you to the different street. They are usually narrow and not made to be easily accessible with large bags. Both entrances are made such way you can't see what's inside the hotel.
There are windows but they will be closed by heavy wooden blinds anyway. The view out of the window is not anything to remember.
There's no concierge, no gym, no pool, no one will order a taxi for you, no taxi will go there too and I doubt it is possible to get a mail on the hotel's address, because you never leave your name when checking in, so credit cards are not an option too. Privacy.
And yes, no Wi-Fi.
So, where are they better?
The rooms are often very large compared to regular hotels. The beds are huge. Some facilities are on the luxury side of things, however very often they are broken. You also get an ocassional jacuzzi in the love hotels and amenities tend to be plentiful. Shower room is usually very large, wet type Japanese-style, because those are better suited for sex. I have seen rooms where a wall between the bedroom and shower room has a large window, so privacy in the shower does not exist. Very often there is some karaoke machine, very large TV with tens if not hundreds of channels most of which are porn... Some rooms feature wacky utilities. How about a vending machine having handcuffs, several kinds of vibrators and weird BDSM toys? Sometimes there are gaming consoles, dresses for cosplay and I have even seen an old American jukebox once!
To sum it up, I would say that love hotel is not a hotel in its traditional meaning. They are not "better", they are not comparable to the regular hotels, being completely different beast from the very beginning.
By the way, on the sad note. Love hotels are going to be effectively banned soon because in the 2020, when the Tokyo Olympics are expected to happen, many foreigners will come and someone is very ashamed by the very existence of such socially important facilities which no doubt keep fertility rates higher.
Use your chance while you can.
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