
Tuesday, December 4, 2018


No political party in India has ever got even half of the votes in Lok Sabha election. NDA had 39% vote share and BJP alone had 31% of votes. So, by pure mathematics, we can safely say that none of PM had support of more than half of Indian population.
Image result for pic of modi
Modi is a strong personality like Nehru and Indira. He dominates the Indian political scene like no one did after Indira Gandhi. He remains the most popular leader in India by a large margin. All politicians (BJP and opposition) are jealous of Modi’s popularity. Modi has turned Indian politics upside down. He is able to win elections after elections. Even in his 4th year, his approval rating is more than 50% (as per a few surveys).
Indian intellectual space has been ruled Congress and Left minded people and with BJP becoming most pre-eminent political party in India, these people feel threatened. They are afraid of disruption caused by Modi. The main opposition to Modi comes from so called Indian intellectual groups. This group still rule Indian media and they are running a spirited hate campaign against Modi.
A politician would always be loved and hated at the same time by different section of societies. Winning and losing is part & parcel of politics. Today BJP is winning and tomorrow BJP will lose. But a section of Indian society is not ready to respect democracy. The greatest Indian philosopher & politician Chanakya had said that “If there is unrest among intellectuals & criminals, assume that King is doing right”

By Aakarsh Sharma thru Quora Digest.

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