
Saturday, May 30, 2020


Well, Pakistan has already fought four wars with Israel. You can look out for the results yourself.
1 . Israel's war of Independence, 1948: Pakistan purchased 2.5 L rifles to help the Palestinians who were already supported by dozens of Arab countries. Israel routed each one of them.
2 . The six day war, 1967: Pakistan sent its Air force to support the six Nations in annihiliating Israel. Because ,only routing, is too mainstream, Israel annexed its Golan Heights from Syria, East Jerusalem from Palestine, Gaza from Egypt, West Bank from Jordan.
3 . Yom Kippur War, 1973 : Pakistan planes shot down four Israeli aircrafts and supported the swarm of Arab nations in avenging Israel. Israel took them down, one by one.
4 . Lebanon war, 1982 : Pakistan sent volunteers to work with Palestinian Liberation Militia. Neither Lebanon's, nor pak's, never the Palestinian's, It's flag of 🇮🇱 blue and white with star of king David roaring high at the end of the war.
Recently in 2015, Netanyahu, the PM of Israel refused to dine with the PM of Pak.

An operation by Israel :
What Israel is capable of, one can easily know of, from the following incident in which Israel defined a new yardstick of endurance and grit :
The day, when a 29-Israeli assault team raided into the unknown,the heart of Africa, from the death-flashing sky to do the impossible, to free the hostages from the Palestinian terrorists stationed in Uganda with the entire airforce and army of Uganda supporting the Palestinian terrorists.
In Bollywood movie Zameen, there is a dialogue where Ajay Devgan, to deal with, hostage crisis speaks 'You give me just a few soldiers, and then we'll do what Israelis did in Entebbe’. The only difference is it was fiction but Entebbe was real.
1 . In 1976, an Air France flight bound from Israel to Paris is boarded by terrorists at its Athens stoppage exploiting the weak security, directing it to Uganda with Idi Amin the Uganda president on their side.
2 . When over a week's course, Israel's all diplomatic efforts went futile, they decided they had to storm into the territory of the enemy and so began to work on the plan.
3 . Intitially, they thought to parachute into Lake victoria, surrounding the airport at Uganda but withdrew, thanks to the presence of deadly crocodiles.
4 . The Israelis knew the Uganda president was out to Mauritius, so, they arranged a black mercedes (like the president's) , and four fighter planes took off from Israel with Boeing’s accompanying them, with a total of 100 soldier's team (a ground assault to be speared by 29 Sayeret Metkel men).
5 . The plane lands in Uganda, the black mercedes and the rovers acting like president's convoy head for the airport terminal. But, one of the Uganda soldiers on road notices that president had recently arranged a white mercedes and the Israelis sense it's all over.
Except it is not. They take down the two Uganda fighters right there, speed-progress to airport, in split seconds, unleash the devastating carnage on terrorists butchering all the 7 palestinian ones, play havoc on Uganda air force crippling it with the abstract annihilation of Mig-21 and Mig-17 not to mention it's only some dozens of Israeli fighters who become a death sentence to more than 40 Uganda soldiers in their own territory.
Israelis cheat death and rescue almost all. 102 out of 106 are safe but it all comes at a cost. Yonathen Netanyahu, the younger brother of whom, would rule Israel as Prime Minister for the highest tenure, had to sacrifice his life.
Operation Thunderbolt as it was, is also known by the name Operation Yonathen.
So, Israel vs Pakistan? Tell me about it.

Biggest spy network using illegal VoIP exchange in India busted The biggest-ever spy network of Pakistan which was attempting to gather information about the Indian defence in Ladakh, using illegal Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) exchange has been busted in Mumbai by the Military Intelligence of Jammu & Kashmir and the Crime Branch of Mumbai Police. IANS May 30, 2020, 15:31 IST

New Delhi/Mumbai: The biggest-ever spy network of Pakistan which was attempting to gather information about the Indian defence in Ladakh, using illegal Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) exchange has been busted in Mumbai by the Military Intelligence of Jammu & Kashmir and the Crime Branch of Mumbai Police.

One person has been arrested in Mumbai so far. The probe, sources said, is underway to ascertain the identity of other individuals involved in the network and locations of other similar exchanges. Sources said more arrests are expected in the next few days.

Official sources said that in a joint operation, the crime branch of the Mumbai Police and the military intelligence of the Indian Army unearthed three functional Chinese SIM boxes and one standby sim box along with 191 SIM cards, laptop modem; antennas; batteries and connectors used for an illegal VoIP exchange in Mumbai.

VoIP is the transmission of voice and multimedia content over Internet Protocol (IP) networks.

The lead for the spy network operating using a VoIP exchange came in May earlier, when defence persons received calls from suspicious numbers, seeking information related to Ladakh region and important defence installations.

Incidentally, for over a week, Indian and Chinese soldiers have been locked in a face-off along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Eastern Ladakh. The situation has been so tense that the US President Donald Trump offered to arbitrate between the two sides. Both the countries, have however, rejected his offer and are using established bilateral mechanisms to resolve the issue.

Since the callers were using fictitious identity, the investigating agencies suspected the role of the ISI, Pakistan's spy agency. Further investigation by the two agencies revealed that a few illegal VoIP exchanges at Mumbai, which routed calls incoming from Pakistan to local numbers, were used to extract information from defence persons.

"Based on this information, the crime branch and the military intelligence carried out a joint operation," sources said.

"The exchanges which converted international voice calls originating from Pakistan into local GSM calls using the Chinese SIM Boxes (boxes fitted with GSM SIM cards of local cellular service providers) were busted in a police raid on Thursday. These SIM boxes also used dynamic IMEI system, which made them difficult to be tracked," sources said.

This system is declared illegal by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India.

Official sources said the subsequent probe revealed that these illegal exchanges were being "used by hostile intelligence agencies to seek military information through calls," posing serious security threat to the country.

Death of 14-year-old Iranian girl in so-called 'honor killing' sparks outrage By Kareem Khadder, Nada AlTaher, Ramin Mostaghim and Richard Roth, CNN Updated 1208 GMT (2008 HKT) May 29, 2020 honor killings atika shubert explainer sdg orig_00001512

(CNN)Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has called for new protections for women after a 14-year-old girl was allegedly murdered by her father in a so-called "honor killing," sparking outrage in the country.
A photo purportedly of Romina Ashrafi.
Romina Ashrafi's father is suspected of killing her with a farming sickle after she ran away from her family home in northern Iran's Talesh county with a 29-year-old man, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.
    Police have arrested the teenager's father. Ashrafi's death has been widely covered by Iranian media across reformist, moderate and pro-government news outlets.
    It is unclear whether the 29-year-old man will face criminal charges.
    Amnesty International condemned the killing and called on authorities to ensure full "accountability" for the crime.
    "We call on Iran's authorities & lawmakers to end the impunity for violence against women/girls & criminalize domestic violence. They must amend Article 301 of the Penal Code to ensure accountability proportionate to the severity of the crime, without resort to the death penalty," Amnesty said in a statement on Twitter, Thursday.
      According to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Article 301 reduces punitive measures for fathers involved in so-called "honor killings."
      Rouhani has expressed "regret" over Ashrafi's death. During a cabinet meeting in Tehran, the President "ordered accelerated study and ratification" of a bill that protects women against violence, Fars reported Thursday.

      Are India's youth giving up on marriage? livemint Updated: 30 May 2020, 09:54 AM IST

      Photo: Hindustan Times4 min 

      How law school alumni helped migrants fly home to Jharkhand By SYED FIRDAUS ASHRAF

      'We are giving priority to little children so that they do not embark on dangerous journeys on their own'

      IMAGE: A migrant family at Mumbai airport ready to fly home to Jharkhand. This family is one of the many that have been sponsored by alumni of the National Law School. Photograph: Kind courtesy Shyel Trehan
      It is a journey they could not have imagined.
      A group of 180 migrants from Jharkhand, stranded in Mumbai for over two months due to the lockdown, were flown home on a chartered flight, arranged by the alumni network of the Bengaluru-based National Law School, making it the first such instance in the country amid the coronavirus-triggered lockdown.
      The Air Asia flight carrying the migrant workers and five children left the western metropolis on May 28 at 6.25 am and reached Ranchi, the Jharkhand capital, around 8.25 am, an airline spokesperson said.

      Shyel Trehan, an alumna of the 2000 batch of National Law School, was one of the organisers who managed this near impossible achievement.
      The idea to send migrants home from Mumbai to Ranchi came up after everybody saw the horrible tragedy of lakhs and lakhs of migrants walking home.
      We felt sad that they had no resources or means of transport to return home.
      Then someone on our WhatsApp group -- the class of 2000 of the National Law School -- suggested that we could hire a bus and send these migrants from Mumbai to Jharkhand.
      However, during the process of hiring a bus, we found out that it was more expensive to hire a bus and that's when we decided to send these workers home by plane.
      The cost of hiring a bus from Maharashtra to Jharkhand, we were informed, was Rs 2 lakh. We don't know whether bus operators were asking for more money because of permissions to travel across different states or what but that was the cost.
      And if we apply social distancing norms, we couldn't take more than 26 people. Therefore, we decided to buy air tickets for 40 migrant workers.
      We booked 40 tickets from Mumbai to Ranchi through AirAsia, but unfortunately that flight was cancelled as the Maharashtra government did not give permission to fly as they allowed only 25 flights a day.
      When we suffered this setback, we decided to bring in the entire alumni of the National Law School to get more funds.
      And that is how we got more money and chartered a plane to send more workers back to their native place.
      Everybody contributed for the tickets, ranging from Rs 2,000 to Rs 1 lakh. At this moment I don't know how many people have put in money or how much was collected. But our batch of 2000 raised a total of Rs 12.5 lakh.
      I am not at liberty to say how much we paid because Air Asia subsidised our flight and they said they could not give this kind of concession to everybody.
      Now, we have a single person sponsoring an entire flight for these migrant workers. And this flight is leaving Mumbai for Ranchi on Sunday at 6 am.
      IMAGE: Natives of Jharkhand line up at Mumbai airport, ready to board their flight home. The NLS alumni say the most difficult part of the operation was to choose who to send back. Photograph: Kind courtesy Shyel Trehan
      Helping the poor and giving back to society is something in the DNA of our NLS. The whole college was set up for that.
      Social economic disparity in India is jarring and we are privileged enough to help.
      Equality is the one value that was inculcated in each of us at rhe National Law School even if we went to corporate jobs.
      This has driven all of us forward. At the end of the day there is a heavy sense that one should give back to society.
      This brilliant idea came up from one of our batchmates, Shyam Sunder, and everybody jumped in.
      The most difficult part in executing this idea was whom we should choose to send back.
      We are working with NGOs on the ground who are helping migrant workers. They are donating rations and other things. They have the database of these migrant workers.
      IMAGE: A family whose return ticket was sponsored by National Law School alumni at Mumbai airport. Photograph: Kind courtesy Shyel Trehan
      Many people are living on the margins and donation of rations. We are giving priority to little children so that they do not embark on dangerous journeys on their own.
      It is heart-breaking to see some people being left out and not able to catch flights because numbers are limited and so are flights.
      I feel the exodus will go on from cities to villages as workers are facing devastation.
      They just want to go home. Ghar jaana hai, they say.
      They have lost faith in the cities which was their home, even if temporary.
      I spoke to domestic help who are going back because they are not being paid because of the lockdown.
      Until the economy restarts in the cities, workers will not come back. Ultimately, they will come back because they do not have any means of livelihood in the villages.

      used here for education of General Public with thanks to

      Thursday, May 28, 2020

      Google eyes stake in Vodafone Idea: Report livemint Updated: 28 May 2020, 04:19 PM IST Staff Writer

      Google was considering buying stake of about 5% in Vodafone Idea: Report
      Google is exploring an investment in Vodafone’s India business in a move that could pit the US internet group in a battle against Facebook for the world’s fastest-growing mobile market, Financial Times reported, citing people familiar with the matter.
      Google was considering buying stake of about 5% in Vodafone Idea, a partnership between the UK telecoms company and Aditya Birla Group that has been under severe financial strain, the report said.
      In recent weeks, Reliance Industries’ Jio — owned by Asia’s richest man Mukesh Ambani — has secured more than $10 billion in investment from Facebook and private equity groups including KKR, General Atlantic, Vista Equity Partners and Silver Lake.
      On Tuesday, Bharti Airtel’s parent raised $1.1 billion in a share sale after the company’s stock price hit an all-time high.

      BRIEF-Google Considering Buying Stake Of About 5% In Vodafone Idea - FT Reuters Stock Market News 2020-05-28 10:30

      BRIEF-Google Considering Buying Stake Of About 5% In Vodafone Idea - FT
      May 28 (Reuters) -

      Vodafone Idea continues its Indian journey, for now

      News Analysis
      GAGANDEEP KAUR, Contributing Editor5/28/2020
      For months, Vodafone Idea has warned that it may be forced to quit India unless there is some relief from government authorities. Yet the operator now seems likely to stay in the country despite the unfavorable circumstances.
      Vodafone and Idea, the parent companies of the joint venture, have both flagged their inability to continue operating in India unless authorities offer relief on licensing payments owed to authorities. Their Indian business was more badly hit than its rivals by the Supreme Court judgment on license fees last year and owed about $4 billion in total dues. Although it has cleared some of these, it has failed to receive any help from Indian authorities, despite its pleas. (See Can Vodafone Idea survive in India? and Vodafone's never-ending Indian agony.)
      Possibly the biggest indicator of Vodafone's India plan is that it continues to make payments to the Indian government to clear its dues. Vodafone Group, moreover, recently made a $200 million contribution to Vodafone Idea for payments due in September. This should help the company to manage its operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
      Apart from licensing woes, Vodafone Idea is facing stiff competition from Jio and Airtel, its two big rivals, and its financial situation means it is unable to put up a strong fight. The recent investments in Jio by Facebook and private equity firms, including Vista, Silver Lake, General Atlantic and KKR, will not help.
      However, several recent events suggest Vodafone Idea intends to remain in the country, even in the absence of any relief from the government. For one thing, it has recently restructured its operations, moving away from a structure based on circles (service areas) to one that comprises ten "clusters." This new approach should allow it to reduce its operational and employee expenses.
      Vodafone Idea also recently announced the installation of more than 2,000 massive MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) sites, helping it to address a surge in data demand as people were forced to stay indoors to prevent the spread of coronavirus. In addition, the operator has expanded its deployments of open RAN technology in India and expects to complete the integration of the Vodafone India and Idea Cellular networks next month.All these are signs that Vodafone Idea is not done with India just yet. What's more, India's government may be keen to offer incentives to the operator to prevent it from exiting the market. The departure of a major telco would reflect poorly on India and might affect future foreign investments in the country.
      Even so, while the company might have decided to stay on in India, it may struggle to survive. It will have to stem the subscriber exodus that has seen customer numbers fall from 415 million at the end of January 2019 to 328 million a year later. Vodafone Idea recorded a loss of 64.5 billion Indian rupees ($852.8 million) in the December-ending quarter.
      Furthermore, the operator's 4G license is up for renewal in a few circles, which means it will need to participate in the upcoming spectrum auction, requiring more funds.
      While Vodafone Group might have contributed $200 million for now, Vodafone Group CEO Nick Read has said that his business "will not inject new equity into our Indian joint venture." The operator needs a good plan if it is to bounce back.
      — Gagandeep Kaur, contributing editor, special to Light Reading

      Wednesday, May 27, 2020

      DoT extends minimum rollout compliance deadlines to Sept 30, offering relief to Jio, Airtel, Vodafone Idea The Department of Telecommunications on Wednesday extended the compliance deadline of telcos for meeting their minimum network rollout obligations (MRO) to September 30 amid continuing lockdowns, invoking the force majeure clause in operator licence rules. Kalyan Parbat ETTelecomUpdated: May 27, 2020, 14:32 IST

      DoT extends minimum rollout compliance deadlines to Sept 30, offering relief to Jio, Airtel, Vodafone Idea

      Kolkata: The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) on Wednesday extended the compliance deadline of telcos for meeting their minimum network rollout obligations (MRO) to September 30 amid continuing lockdowns, invoking the force majeure clause in operator licence rules, providing a temporary reprieve to Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea.

      The Big 3 telcos were dreading the prospect of stiff penalties of around Rs 50 crore per MRO violation, starting June, as DoT had earlier not extended the compliance timelines beyond May 31, despite repeated reminders from operators.

      “Due to (an) unforeseen situation in the wake of Covid-19, the force majeure clause of the (telco) licence is applied and relaxations are being granted to licensees whose due date of registration for fulfilment of MRO is between March 25 and September 30,” said a DoT circular, dated May 27, to all operators. It added that the last date of registration for telcos to meet their minimum rollout obligations without levy of liquidated damages (LD) is September 30.

      ET has seen a copy of the DoT circular.Mobile phone companies though had urged DoT to extend the MRO compliance timelines by at least six-to-nine months amid the Covid-19 lockdowns. Under the MRO compliance process, telcos need to make submissions to DoT on the meeting of network rollout targets, post allocation of spectrum, in their licenced service areas. The MRO compliance timelines are linked to the specific spectrum band assigned to a telco and the date of allocation of such airwaves.

      Telcos had urged the government to ease MRO compliance deadlines as network gear imports and supplies were severely hit amid the global pandemic outbreak and lockdowns. The situation could get further aggravated with Finnish gear maker Nokia temporarily shutting down its factory in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, after 42 staffers reportedly tested Covid19 positive.

      Rajan Mathews, director general of the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), had recently written to DoT, noting that since the MRO exercise is a time-bound process with huge penalties for delay, it would be unfair if telcos were to suffer from any of these penalties for a situation that could at best be described as force majeure.

      Telcos had sought an extension of compliance timelines as the MRO process is a complex, entailing numerous tower site acquisitions, conducting of drive tests and securing of multiple approvals from various state authorities and local municipal bodies, which had been severely hit by the prolonged Covid-19 lockdowns.


      Image result for PIC OF RAM TEMPLE MODELImage result for PIC OF RAM TEMPLE MODEL

      20 control rooms set up to address issues of migrant workers ...