
Sunday, May 24, 2020


You will never understand why most Russians like Putin, if you don’t speak fluent Russian. I mean you must hear Putin speaking. No politician in the world can speak the way he does. All politicians talk monotonously. But not Putin. His answers are always concrete, qualified, interesting, and to the point. Western media never show much of what he says - they are obviously very careful about that. However, the American producer Oliver Stone’s “The Putin interviews” (You Tube) are worth watching if you are curious about how Putin sounds.
The Western media distort not only what he says but even his name!! Vladimir - the stress is on the first “i”, not on “a”! (In Russian the name “Vladimir” means a man, who possesses the world.)
Alexej Navalnij, his main opponent, once said that at the beginning of his career Putin knew very little about the Russian economy but now he is the one with the best Economic competence. (Putin is not an economist, he studied Law at St. Peterburg State University) Over the years he has developed tremendously. I remember when Yeltsin chose him. At that time Yeltsin was changing Prime Ministers often - Chernomirdin, Primakov, Kirienko, Stepashin,… People were puzzled: “What is he doing? Why is he changing them all the time?” Then he chose Putin. When I saw him for the first time, I was disappointed - he was not well spoken at all аnd looked unpresentable. I was sure that soon Russia would have a new Prime Minister again. But no, not this time. Yeltsin retained him.
Now, at the age of 67, Putin is in an еxcellеnt physical condition. That’s impressive, too. I can’t recall any other world leader of approximately his age who is in such a good shape.
Besides Russian, Putin speaks fluent German. And also some English.
And of course, he is a man with a strong willpower. And Russians prefer to have an intelligent and powerful leader.
Among the many reasons why Putin is so well-respected in his country there is one that is quite interesting - Russians are well informed аbout the fact that in the Western media, their leader is being portrayed as a terrible bloodthirsty monster. To them this means the following: the better Putin is doing his job, the more he is criticized by the West. About this pattern talked the most powerful Russian Emperor Peter the Great 3 centuries ago. So Western media contribute a lot to Putin’s high approval rating in Russia.
At first this question was not “Is Putin respected in Russia?” but “Why is Vladimir Putin so well-respected in Russia?” Тhe question has been transformed, оbviously, because the initial question “Why is Vladimir Putin so well-respected in Russia?” sounds too irritating to some people.

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