
Sunday, May 24, 2020


K1804 - My Son, You Are A Part Of Me - Love, Your Dad - Luxury ...Royalty-Free Father Key Stock Images, Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Before he died, a father said to his son:
_“Son, take this watch—it was given to me by your grandfather, who was given by his father, who was given by his father, and so on, about four generations back”._
_“This watch is more than 200 years old, and has been passed on from one generation to another. I would like to give it to you, so that you can pass it on to your son, but before I give it to you, go to the watchmaker on the first street, and tell him you would like to sell it, and then ask him how much he thinks it’s worth”._
So he went to the watchmaker and came back after 15 minutes.
His father asked him: _“How much did the watchmaker say the watch is worth?”_
_"The watchmaker said it’s worth only *$5* because it's just a piece of old junk”,_ replied the disappointed looking son.
Then the father said to him: _“Don’t be disappointed. Now go to the coffee shop at the end of the street”._
He went to the coffee shop and came back frustrated, and said: _“He wanted to pay *$5,* father”._
His father, then told him: _“Now go to the museum and show that watch. Ask them how much it’s worth”._
He went, then came back after half an hour, and said to his father *_“THEY OFFERED ME A MILLION DOLLARS FOR THE WATCH!!!”._*
Then the father said: _“I just wanted to let you *discover for yourself the right place that will recognize your value*. Don't put yourself in the wrong place and get angry and frustrated when you're not appreciated according to your worth. *He who knows your true worth appreciates you.* Don't sell your true worth to people who don’t recognize and appreciate your *TRUE* worth"._
_Many people are struggling financially because they’ve *never discovered their true worth*._
_Others are struggling financially because they’re in *the wrong place*._
_Others are struggling financially because they’re trying to sell the *right thing to the wrong people*._
_Others are struggling financially because they’re trying to sell the *right thing at the wrong time*, or the *wrong thing at the right time*._
*_"Think Big, Grow More"_*

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