
Saturday, May 9, 2020

Is democracy the reason that India is far behind China despite being equal at one point of time in the history?

Replied by Balasubramaniam Kanthaswamy former Chief Manager at Central Bank of India (1980-2017) through Quora Digest

Equal????India was way ahead at one point. Post 1947 we had so many industries and factories - Cotton mills,gins, Steel factories, Truck factories.
Why did China surge ahead?
Sure democracy is a reason.
Today if the Chinese want to build a road, theyll give 90 day notice to the roadside shops and a pre decided compensation. On the 91st day - the wrecking balls arive and demolish every building even if there are people inside them. The road is built in record time.
In India - because of votes road widening would not be possible unless huge compensations are paid.Opposition will make trouble. Human rights groups. Someone will go to the courts. Eventually the roads will be built in 6–9 years.
But because of democracy you live in a more safer country ( still a colonial type of democracy but safer than china)
If a contractor is corrupt in China - 4 month trial and shot to death. In India 8 yr trial plus 8 yr appeal, witnesses disappearing etc.

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