
Saturday, May 9, 2020

What was the real reason behind the India Pakistan split up?

Sare jhan se accha, Hindostan Hmara”
(Translation-Better than all the world is our India)
Do you know who wrote this beautiful line
Muhammad Iqbal”
This line was written during Khilafat movement (1919,you will know about this further)to motivate Hindu-Muslim Unity.
Do you know who was the first person who demanded nation based on Religion.. ?
'Muhammad Iqbal'
Hope you know this person.
He is Muhammad Ali jinnah…
The real reason behind Hindu-Muslim Unity during (1915–20) at the time of khilafat movement.
Real secularist person….
Jinnah was the person who proposed Theory of two nation…
What was the reason these two person changed from Hindu-Muslim Unity to Hindu-Muslim separation?
  1. Collapsed of Khilafat movement
•The Khilafat movement, also known as the Indian Muslim movement (1919–24), was a pan-Islamist political protest campaign launched by Muslims of British India led by Shaukat Ali, Mohammad Ali Jauhar, Hakim Ajmal Khan, and Abul Kalam Azad to restore the caliph of the Ottoman Caliphate, who was considered the leader of ...Sunni Muslims, as an effective political authority.
• It was a protest against the sanctions placed on the caliph and the Ottoman Empire after the First World War by the Treaty of Sèvres.
•The movement collapsed by late 1922 when Turkey gained a more favourable diplomatic position and moved towards secularism. By 1924 Turkey simply abolished the role of caliph.
Impact of khilafat movement:
•Many Muslims had given up their jobs and students had given up their education as boycott in 1920.
•At the end of the Khilafat movement, Gandhi had left the support, which caused mistrust between Hindus and Muslims.
3-Rioting started between the two communities and it was proven that Muslims and Hindus could not work together.
This movement motivate M. Iqbal to believed in Shariat law, they started thinking “Nationalism is the only movement of hindu, Muslim will suffer after independence” and he started support nation on the basis of Religion.
2.Gandhi ji impact on Indians
•When Gandhi ji came in India, people looked at him as the messiah of the nation.
•Jinnah started thinking about his political future, he was terrified from the blind-Devote of Gandhiji so he changed himself from the non-communalism to communalism person. So that he can became the ruler of country. But he was not Non-secularist person, after split up of india-Pakistan his speech in Pakistan Constitution assembly showed this
Muhammad Ali Jinnah stated that
every individual living in Pakistan is the citizen of Pakistan without discrimination as to cast, color, creed, and community. If we look back to the first Islamic State founded by Prophet Muhammad,it is clearly held that Muslims and Jews of the first Islamic State were declared as equal citizens and one community without discrimination under the Constitution of Madinah (Mīthāq al-Madīnah), therefore Islamic State does not mean discrimination based on religion as all citizens have equal rights before law without discrimination as to cast, color, creed and community.
So what you think what was the real reason behind india-Pakistan split up..
The real reason behind India-Pakistan..
“Blind devotion”
•We Indian people are so emotional that when we struggle from something, we started treating one person with Blind devotion.
This Hero worship for Gandhi ji…
due to this blind faith that a person like Iqbal started thinking that India is not the right country for Muslims.
•A person like Jinnah who changed his ideology in the greed of power And those who showed blind devotion to Jinnah and completely believed in Jinnah And started thinking that India is not the right country for Muslims.
The real reason is “Hero worship and Blind devotion
As stated by Ambedkar..
Devotion in religion leads to salvation and in politics, devotion leads to dictatorship and ruin.

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